
Information session about recruitment of highly qualified talents | 31 January

Would your company like to recruit talent in the field of tech or other highly qualified sectors? Would you be available to hire talent in need of international protection? Did you know that you can recruit with no recruitment fee?

Then come and discover the project Displaced Talents for Europe (DT4E), on the 31st of January, at 10:00 am, in the Auditorium of the National Support Center for the Integration of Migrants, Rua Álvaro Coutinho no. 14, in Lisbon.

DT4E, implemented in Portugal by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the High Commission for Migration (ACM), will allow displaced people who are in Jordan and Lebanon connect with employers and integrate themselves sustainably into the job market in Belgium, Ireland, Portugal and the United Kingdom. The project will lay the groundwork for displaced talent mobility schemes, testing complementary migration pathways, documenting best practices, identifying areas for policy reform, and engaging the private sector as well as organizations providing support to refugees.

In the session on the 31st of January, Talent Beyond Boundaries, one of the implementing organisations of this project, and which works on the labor mobility of people who need international protection will also be present.

If your company is unable to attend on the 31st, or alternatively, prefers to arrange a bilateral meeting, OIM and Talent Beyond Boundaries are available. This meeting can take place in the week of January 30th to February 3rd, in person, with both organisations, or virtually on a more convenient date.

Registration for the session on the 31st and/or expressions of interest for the bilateral meetings can be made here.”