
Final event of the project "Portugal: enhancing migrant integration services"

 On 17 June, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), in collaboration with the Portuguese Agency for Integration, Migration and Asylum (AIMA), held the final event of the project "Portugal: enhancing migrant integration services".  

The event was attended by AIMA Board Member Sónia Pereira, IOM Head of Office Vasco Malta, Deputy Head of Unit for Structural Reform Support at the European Commission (DG REFORM) Sofia Tasiou and IOM and AIMA teams.  

The session provided an opportunity to share the final balance of the work carried out over the last two years and to strengthen collaboration between the teams. Through this project, IOM provided technical support to the High Commission for Migration (ACM) and, subsequently, to AIMA, in training workers and improving services to ensure a comprehensive and successful integration of migrants in Portugal.  

The last two materials developed were also presented in detail to AIMA: the Manual of Procedures for AIMA's Migrant Integration Department, developed in collaboration with Linking Partners, and the Guidelines for Distance Learning.  

The following 6 materials were delivered to the Beneficiary as part of the project: 

1. Standard Operating Procedures for Emergency Teams 

2. Manual of Procedures for AIMA's Migrant Integration Department 

3. Multichannel Strategy Report, Recommendations for Improving Digital Platforms and Analytics Strategy 

4. Training Plan  

5. Syllabus on Intercultural Mediation 

6. Guidelines on Distance Learning 

This project is funded by the European Union via the Technical Support Instrument and implemented by IOM.  



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