Displaced Talent for Europe (DT4E) is a three-year pilot project (December 2021 – December 2024) funded by the European Union (EU) that aims to facilitate and strengthen labour mobility schemes to match displaced talent in Jordan and Lebanon with employers in Belgium, Ireland, Portugal and the UK. Together with our partners at Talent Beyond BoundariesFedasilAlto Comissariado para as Migrações and Fragomen, the project will set the foundations for complementary pathways that will enable people in need of protection and their families to sustainably integrate into the labour market.

The project will aim to increase national support for displaced talent mobility, to engage the private sector to address skills shortages through labour mobility schemes, to support minimum 250 talents and their families through tailored pre-departure and post-arrival assistance, and to create a community of practice to exchange knowledge and experience.

In essence, the DT4E project builds upon the following pillars:

Pillars of DT4E


The methodology

The DT4E project will build on a 10-step methodology:

The methodology






















Information for employers

In this page you can find more information.

In partnership with


TBT logo

ACM logo

Fedasil logo



Are you interested to join or do you want more information on the DT4E project?

Please contact : DT4E@iom.int